
17-09-06 (周日)。地点:曼哈顿宾州广场(Penn Plaza)。地址:250 West 34th Street, Manhattan, New York, NY10119。网站...


17-09-06 :70 Street & Central Avenue, Queens。电话:718- 393-7370。网站:tinyurl.com/ydhz6lhj。*《送子鸟(Storks)》(2016...


17-09-06 (周六)下午2:00、晚上7:30。演出地址为Shakespeare Theatre Company at the Herman Center for the Arts, 610 F Street, NW...

  Emperor Kangxi’s Methods of Education

17-09-03 Kangxi left the imperial court daily briefing and went to the study room. When the children saw Kangxi...


17-09-01 Evert和其他一些名人纷纷在落成典礼上发言。5.没有一处单打场地会被浪费美国网球公开赛会使用到Billie Jean King国家网球中心的全部45块场地——4块球场(stadium court)、13块...


17-08-30 7:30开始。地点:曼哈顿高桥公园(Highbridge Park, Manhattan)。地址:West 172nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan。网站...

费城列车事故酿42伤 乘客惊呼到处是血

17-08-27 (Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority)发言人芮德芬(Heather Redfern)说,一列高速列车在费城第69街车站(69th Street...


17-08-26 Corporation发起的夏日广场演出系列,将在20街人行步道(Beach 20th Street Pedestrian Plaza)举行,地址:1033 Beach 20th St., Far Rockaway...


17-08-27 增长放缓和生活成本增高的冲击。” 新州北部五个重点住宅建设项目Hackensack: Main Street, 382 个单位Franklin Lakes: Ewing Ave., 275 个单位...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 I’m doing kung fu, it doesn’t matter if I’m fighting in the ring or in the street, or whatever, I’m...


17-08-23 Harbor)的202 East Pratt Street, Baltimore。周末两天票价是网上购票$85,现场购票价格$90,还有单日票和儿童票,请到网站上查询具体票价和活动信息,网址是https...

传习近平授意摸底金融4巨头 党媒罕见喊话〝斩草除根〞

17-08-21 和海航等企业巨头,出重手迫使他们去槓杆、清负债,并停止海外疯狂并购。《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报导,早先部分中国企业以〝展现国威〞之名发起大规模海外并购,背后隐藏着这些企业...


17-08-18 舒尔茨公园篮球场(Basketball Court in Carl Schurz Park, Manhattan)。    地址:East End Av To East River, E 84 St To...

“法拉盛街坊节” 40路变身美食街

17-08-19 【看中国纽约讯】9月16日(周六),法拉盛商业改进区(BID)将举办第四届“法拉盛街坊节”(Flushing Street Festival),提供超过80个摊位售卖美食、饮料、饰品等。地点位于...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 Danyang. Enjoying time with the woman, King Wen did not hold court for a full year. People gossiped that...

Dying for a Just Cause and  Accruing Virtue with Good Deeds

16-08-14 imperial court as an official. But the upright Liu Yi refused, feeling it shameful to use such matters as...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD to 220 AD), he appointed the scholar Heng Rong as court official...


16-08-10 Street Apartments, 1357 Broadway, Box 309, New York, NY 10018索取申请表,如需中文表格,需在信封背面用英文注明「CHINESE」。申请截止日期为9月...


16-08-08 Chill)        时间:8月15日(周一)晚上8~9点之间开始放映,晚5 点开放。        地点:布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)。        地址:42nd Street and...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 lineage to be spoiled. The relatives wanted the court to send her back to her parents' home and...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 Zhu confined all the court’s officials to Taigong Temple and surrounded the temple with over 1,000...

专家分析Ellicott City 洪水爆发原因

16-08-06 就来自水位暴涨13英尺的帕塔普斯科河,与周围山脚下的小溪暨暴雨径流,最终汇集流入城中心的Main Street,水位高达6到10英尺。据国家气象局估计,如此短时间内降下如此大的雨量,在任何一年、任何特定地区...

Beach Drive将关闭  驾驶人请做好准备

16-08-06 9月5日劳动节(Labor Day)之后,介于Rock Creek Parkway与Tilden Street之间的Beach Drive将会因工程维修而关闭。可以预见,这将与日照时间缩短、暑假...


16-08-04 。这里的海洋博物馆还有一个高达94尺的蓝鲸。地址:79th Street and Central Park West, New York City, NY 10024官网:http://www.amnh.org...


16-08-01 开放。        地点:布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)。        地址:42nd Street and 6th Avenue, New York, NY。        路线:搭乘地铁B...


16-08-01 (Lafayette Street)和公园(Park Ave)大道,往北一直到72街,将开辟为步行街,一路上还有各种艺术表演和娱乐项目。 今年新增加的项目是在曼哈顿下城开辟「共享街道」。8月13日,从布碌仑大桥到炮台...


16-07-30 bottom of the mountain. As they walked through the village, people on both sides of the street knelt down...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 royal court, Ji An returned the Fu Xin and confessed to the emperor that he had used it in order to help...


16-07-29 。去年的首届比赛获得了巨大的成功,有超过150人参加。活动免费向公众开放,并欢迎所有娱乐篮球运动员参加。地点:哥伦布公园(67 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10013...


16-07-29 。        地点:布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)。        地址:42nd Street and 6th Avenue, New York, NY。        路线:搭乘地铁B、D、F、M、7号线...


16-07-28 关闭期间,G号车、J号车和M号车将会增加额外列车服务。此外,乘客们在利沃尼亚大道(Livonia Avenue)的L号车和东纽约(East New York)的朱尼厄斯街(Junius Street...


16-07-26 两周的时间去各地试吃,选出决赛的前十名。在重新访问前十名后选出了赢家。获胜与进入决赛的冰淇淋店分别为:第一名:oWowCow, 237 N. Union Street, Lambertville, NJ...


16-07-22 地址:South Street Seaport 16号码头,每晚7:30出发 https://www.nywatertaxi.com/statue-by-night3 Top of the rock...


16-07-22 达尼丁(Dunedin)是新西兰南岛上一个可爱的小城镇。这个大学城被喻为“南方的爱丁堡”。除了它寒冷,多云的天气,该城还以令人难以置信的陡峭的街道著称。就拿鲍德温街(Baldwin Street...


16-07-22 纽约市府周四允许在一个古老的,已荒废的曼哈顿下东城有轨电车车站打造位于地底的Lowline公园。 《纽约邮报》报道,这个全市首个地下公园,将会位于地兰西街(Delancey Street)地下的前...


16-07-21 Cinema East (181-189 2nd Avenue); Museum of Chinese in America (215 Centre Street); and the Writers Guild...


16-07-19 开始放映,晚5 点开放。        地点:布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)。        地址:42nd Street and 6th Avenue, New York, NY...

曼哈顿粤菜馆开业 丰富中城美食业

16-07-14 West 46th Street New York, NY10036(8大道和9大道之间)。 电话:646-861-1910。「金滿庭」鱼片豆腐。(摄影/Mary)   「金滿庭」烧卖。(摄影/舒馨)...


16-07-11 。        地点:布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)。        地址:42nd Street and 6th Avenue, New York, NY。        路线:搭乘地铁B、D、F、M、7号线...


16-07-08 ,即,目前「911纪念馆广场」和「世贸中心1号」。公园位于自由街(Liberty Street)上方,最多可容纳750人,有19个绿化点,栽种著不同乔木和灌木。公园中的一个看点是「活墙」(Living Wall...